Damn Yankees – 2001

Damn Yankees
September 14 – October 6, 2001

Production Staff
Producer Marie Fiorello, Mary Henning
Director Christopher G. Patterson
Assitant Director Jesse Vargas
Musical Director Jay Shapiro
Choreographer Christopher G. Patterson
Assistant Choreographer Rochelle Patterson
Lighting Design Ed Pearson
Set Design Jim Parks, Sr., Christopher G. Patterson
Costume Designer Susan Berting
Stage Manager Scott C. Hill
Properties Amanda Lee
Sound Design John “Coop” Ballek
Light Operator Dot Steffen
Sound Operator Paul Carver
Wigs Nance
Photography Richard Baker
Program Donna Kimberlin
Dance Captains Sugen Colindres, Mike Miguel, Danny Payne
Painting Crew Sugen Colindres, Jesse Vargas, Mike Miguel, Marie Fiorello, Jim Parks, Nick Sinckler, Emily Partune, Christopher Patterson, Rochelle Patterson
Artistic Consultant Rasean Holloway



he Cast
Applegate Robert (Bobby) Selig
Joe Boyd Nathan Parker
Joe Hardy Matt Hagovsky
Meg Boyd MaryAnn Golding
Lola Emily Portune
Gloria Rochelle Patterson
Van Buren John Graf
Mr. Welch Richard Baker
Ms. Weston/Ensemble Stacy Danka
Sister/Ensemble Marie Fiorello
Doris/Ensemble Mary Henning
Sohovik/Linsville/Ensemble Dancer Ryan Malyar
Rocky/Ensemble Dancer Nicholas Sinckler
Mickey/Commissioner John Wyckoff
Smokey/Eddie/Ensemble Dancer Michael Miguel
Vernon/Postmaster/Ensemble Dancer Daniel Payne
Lowe/Guard/Ensemble Dancer Matt Kasallis
Ensemble/Ball Player Angel Ortiz
Principal Dancers/Ensemble Sugen Colindres, Danielle Fiorello, Julia Diggs, Katie Fanok, Linda Bozzo
Ensemble Mandy Slater
Voice of the Announcer James D. Fiorello


The Orchestra
Conductor/Keyboard Jay Shapiro
Keyboard 2 Jesse Vargas
Trumpet John M. Somers
Trombone Philip Jones
Bass Dale Thompson
Drums Mark Menter